Manned security – eyes on your business

The presence of a trained, licensed guard patrol can offer increased security and peace of mind for your home or business.

Security Patrols

Mobile patrols are a useful deterrent to unwanted intrusions. Give yourself extra peace of mind by having SECOM arrange patrols to regularly inspect your premises. You might have had a rise in break-ins, seen people loitering after hours, or you want to protect containers of stock. Our subcontractors’ patrol staff are trained to observe and report anything unusual or suspicious.

Threat response

There may be times when you need extra vigilance at your premises or for yourself personally. If your business is high-risk, or you’ve received threats to your safety or the safety of your staff, we can help. Our subcontractors trained guards can keep watch, either full or part time and have been posted to embassies and businesses around New Zealand.

Security escorts for personal safety

When you or your staff are threatened, or must walk through risky areas to travel to and from work, security guards can offer personal protection. Whatever the threat or risk, whether it be from other workers, vagrants, stalkers or violent ex-partners, security guard escorts can be arranged by SECOM.

Security concierge for your event or premises

Put aside the stereotype of a ‘heavy’ at the door – our subcontractors’ men and women are highly trained guards who offer a friendly, informative meet-and-greet service to your visitors and guests, directing foot traffic while also keeping a vigilant eye on entrances and exits. This can be a permanent position at your premises, or a service for the duration of your special event.

A rapid response when you need it

Don’t put yourself or your staff into dangerous and potentially violent situations. In the event of an alarm activation, trained and licensed security guards are available to be dispatched to your premises, as a first response to your emergency.

You can choose the level of response you prefer. SECOM can arrange guards to hold keys and security codes for your business, so in the event of alarm activation they can check your premises, reset alarms and lock up securely. The response service can also attend ‘fail to set’ situations – when staff have forgotten to arm the security system, they can make sure the alarm is set and secure the premises. Or you may just need a perimeter check when your alarm goes off, just to be sure everything is safe.

Contact us today to discuss what level of security your business needs.

Interested in how a security guard service can help in a residential environment? Click here.